Parameter Value
Analysis title 72934_peaks analysis from Cistrome-GO
Mode Solo mode
Species hg38
Peak bed file name 72934_peaks.bed
Top peaks to use 10000
Peak number within the distance of 15*decay 8127
Half-decay distance 10.0kb
FDR cutoff of GO/KEGG terms to return 0.2
Minimum and maximum gene number in GO and KEGG gene sets 10,2000

8.941% of peaks are located in the promotor region. This is less than the 20% promoter-type threshold so the the decay distance is set to 10.0kb, appropriate for enhancer-type analysis. The decay distance can be specified in the options.

Gene Coordinate Visualize Peak number RP score adjusted RP score Ranked by adjust RP score
KEGG pathways N, B, n, b Enrichment P-value FDR Genes
GO terms N, B, n, b Enrichment P-value FDR Genes
GO terms N, B, n, b Enrichment P-value FDR Genes
GO terms N, B, n, b Enrichment P-value FDR Genes

First, we separate genes in the differential expression list into up-regulated genes and down-regulated genes using logFoldChange. Then using user customized FDR and logFoldChange cutoff (FDR <= 0.05 absolute logFoldChange >= 1.0 by default) to get significantly differentially expressed genes which are regarded as the true positive. We use the RP score to predict whether a gene is significantly differentially expressed. Thus, we can draw the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and precision-recall (RP) curve and calculate AUC respectively. Those information can help users to judge the (activating, repressive, and both) regulation direction of the transcription factor.